Land area: 8,969 sq. mi. (44)
Population (2020): 1,377,529 (41), up 4.64% since 2010
Population density: 153.59 per sq. mi. (21)
U.S. Representatives (2023-32): 2
Entered Union: 21-Jun-1788 (9)
New Hampshire is home to Mount Washington, which isn’t the tallest mountain east of the Mississippi (North Carolina’s Mount Mitchell beats it by 396 feet), but it is home to some strange weather. When I went there in August 1989, it was 66°F at the base – and 39°F at the summit, with winds from the west at 36 mph and a wind chill factor of 9°F. Brrr! Also take a look at Franconia Notch, on I-93. There, the Old Man of the Mountains, a granite feature depicted on every state highway sign and the state’s commemorative quarter, made its home until May 2003, when time caught up to the escarpment and it crumbled to earth.
No. of Counties I’ve Visited: 10 of 10
County |
Pop. (2020) |
Latest Visit | |
County Seat |
Visited? |
Belknap | 63,705 | 18-Oct-2018 | | Laconia | yes |
Carroll | 50,107 | 20-Oct-2018 | | Ossipee | yes |
Cheshire | 76,458 | 30-Jul-2018 | | Keene | yes |
Coös | 31,268 | 20-Oct-2018 | | Lancaster | yes |
Grafton | 91,118 | 20-Oct-2018 | | Haverhill | yes |
Hillsborough | 422,937 | 18-Oct-2018 | | Manchester | yes |
| Nashua | yes |
Merrimack | 153,808 | 18-Oct-2018 | | Concord | yes |
Rockingham | 314,176 | 9-Sep-2021 | | Brentwood | yes |
Strafford | 130,889 | 16-Oct-2013 | | Dover | yes |
Sullivan | 43,063 | 30-Jul-2018 | | Newport | yes |
Nevada | New Jersey
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