Rutherford Little League History: 1965
- John Refolo, President
- George Prince, Vice President
- Harold Bays, Secretary
- Al Scaramelli, Treasurer
- John Hoffmann, Player Agent
- American League
- American Legion: Tony Caputo
- Elks: John Ferraro
- Flash Cleaners: Don Murphy
- Keller Engineering: Jack Donovan
- Lions: Jim Flynn
- Pasquin Motors: Ken Andresen
- National League
- Boiling Springs Savings: Joe McConville
- Gilio Music: Tom Mellody
- Jones Electric: Ed Greene
- Justin Realty: John Hoffmann
- Kiwanis: Pat Amato
- Rotary: Ed Huderski
The League’s main field gets a significant improvement, as the outfield wall is raised from four to seven feet. John Marsh of Justin becomes the first player to clear the new fence, tying the score against Rotary 30-Apr with a two-run clout to left-center. Justin goes on to win, 5-3.
Tommy Prince is the winning pitcher in Game 2 of the Town Series, which Gilio Music wins against Lions. Prince goes on to manage a team from 1983-87, to serve as league president in 1989 and 1990, and to take over as District 5 Administrator in 1993.
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