This document outlines the Rutherford Little League policies regarding the collection, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information for its Player Members and Regular Members, effectibe at the above date.
During the player application process, Rutherford Little League collects information regarding the identity of candidates for Player Membership. This includes the players name, address, date of birth, and parental telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. This information is used to determine eligibility for participation and assign players to teams within the League, as well as for internal communication within the League.
Each season, Rutherford Little League is required to submit a roster of players to Little League Baseball, Inc., of Williamsport, Pa., an organization that charters local leagues to operate. The League electronically submits a file including names, addresses, dates of birth, and data indicating level of play and team assignment. Telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are not transmitted.
In the course of player evaluation and drafting onto teams, the participating managers receive a roster of eligible players which includes the players evaluation code number (the number the player wears at the evaluation), name, and birth month and year (which establishes League Age). Once a team roster is established, the manager receives a document showing all information for each player on the roster, including addresses and telephone numbers, for the purpose of team communication. Information for players on other teams is not disseminated.
Upon initial registration, the League collects a photocopy of the players birth certificate. This document, which verifies the players eligibility by age, is retained by the Player Agent and is not distributed for any reason. For tournament players, documents proving league age and residence must be presented; these are retained by the tournament team manager and returned promptly upon the conclusion of that seasons tournament play.
Players names are published in an annual Scorecard which is sold by the League at its concession stand. Players names may also be submitted to media organizations in conjunction with game accounts. Names and contact information for 12-year-old players are supplied to the Rutherford Babe Ruth League annually for recruitment purposes. Names and contact information for other players may also be supplied to the Rutherford Junior Football Association for recruitment purposes upon approval of the board of directors.
Names of former players through 2016 who are minors are not published to the Leagues Web site. Effective 2017, names and likenesses of current players, including game accounts and box scores, may be published to the Leagues Web site or to League-sponsored social media such as Facebook. Parents may opt out of publication by written request. Names, team affiliations, statistics, and game box scores for former players who have attained majority may be published in the History section of the Web site.
Addresses, birth dates, etc., are never disseminated to media (print or electronic) or published to the Web site.
As part of its Child Protection policy, Little League Baseball, Inc., requires all Regular Members (as defined in the Local League Constitution) to annually submit a membership application. The League maintains a file of information collected on Regular Members, including names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses. This is used for internal communication within the League.
Each season, Rutherford Little League is required to submit a roster of managers and coaches to Little League Baseball, Inc. The League electronically submits a file including names, addresses, and data indicating level of play and team assignment. Telephone numbers, dates of birth, and e-mail addresses are not transmitted.
With the consent of the Member, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for members of the Board of Directors may be transmitted to Little League Baseball, Inc., as part of the annual charter application process.
By Little League regulation, annual membership applications must be accompanied by a photo ID and include information such as dates of birth, driver license numbers, and Social Security numbers, for the purpose of conducting background checks. The League President is responsible for conducting background checks and retaining files verifying that the checks have been completed. Dates of birth, driver license numbers, and Social Security numbers are not stored in any electronic form. A Regular Member may withhold date of birth, driver license number, or Social Security number; however, the League reserves the right to exclude that member as a manager or coach if a background check cannot be completed without the withheld data.
Managers names are published in an annual Scorecard which is sold by the League at its concession stand. Managers and coaches names may also be submitted to media organizations in conjunction with game accounts.
Names of managers are published on the Web site along with the schedule for the team managed. Names of managers and league officers may also be published in the Whats New or History sections of the Web site.
Addresses, birth dates, etc., are never disseminated to media or published to the Web site without the express consent of the Member.