Rutherford Little League History (1951-2018)
This website is a historical reference to the Rutherford, N.J., Little League. It was created in 1995 as an active source for league information and became a historical resource after the 2018 season. For current league information, please visit the above link.
Items available for certain seasons include:
- History: league officers, Major Baseball managers, and significant events
- Press: press clippings from the local newspapers documenting the League
- Standings: final standings and post-season playoff results by season
- Teams: rosters, schedules, results; statistics for Major Baseball teams since 1981
- Leaders: Major Baseball statistical leaders for 1951-52 and since 1981
- Tourney: Tournament team rosters and results from 1952 to 2018
Please note that due to League policy, rosters and leaders are only posted for seasons in which all players listed are no longer minors.
The League is looking to fill in the gaps in its history. (Check out our most-wanted list.) Anyone who has score sheets, newspaper clippings, old photos, etc., that will help us fill in the blanks is encouraged to send us e-mail (charliez0726 at gmail dot com). Your contributions will be acknowledged on the appropriate page.
Select the appropriate word (History, Press, Standings, Teams, Leaders, Tourney) below the season in question.
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Copyright © 1995-2025 Rutherford Little League, Inc. All rights reserved.